The world’s first probiotic beer, the adult version of Yakult?

By combining unique strains and advanced fermentation processes, we have developed the world’s first probiotic beer, which retains its delicacy while producing more nutrients. This is the innovative product launched by the National University of Singapore Suzhou Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the “National University of Singapore Suzhou Research Institute”) BLOCK71 Suzhou incubation company Yibisheng (Suzhou) Food Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
As a derivative of the National University of Singapore (hereinafter referred to as “NUS”), Probity was founded in 2016 by Professor Liu Shaoquan from the Department of Food Science and Engineering of NUS in collaboration with Origin Ventures. In 2022, the Probient team settled in BLOCK71 Suzhou, a research institute of the New China University, and established Yibisheng (Suzhou) Food Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Professor Liu Shaoquan is also a senior researcher at the Center for Excellence in Large Health Biology and Food Engineering at the Suzhou Research Institute of the New China University. He has been deeply involved in the field of food engineering for a long time, leading his team in innovative research and development in the food field that integrates health, sustainability, and consumer demand orientation, and continuously transforming technology from the laboratory to the market.
1、 Technological breakthroughs, from laboratory to dining table
Probiotics are active microorganisms that are beneficial to the human body, promoting nutrient absorption and maintaining intestinal health by regulating the immune function of the human mucosa and system, or by regulating the balance of intestinal flora. As people gradually deepen their understanding of probiotics, the development of functional probiotic strains is also changing synchronously, and probiotic products are moving towards a richer and diverse category. However, the probiotics of alcoholic beverages remains a major technical challenge. Generally, alcoholic beverages (especially beer) contain ethanol, organic acids, hops, and other components that hinder the growth and survival of probiotics. Most probiotics survive in beer for less than a week, which has become a major challenge for probiotic alcoholic beverages.
To solve this technical problem, Professor Liu Shaoquan’s team developed the world’s first probiotic beer by using unique strains and advanced patented fermentation processes, which combines unique taste and health functions. This breakthrough technology ensures the viability of probiotics at 1 billion colony forming units (CFUs) per can, increasing the survival time of probiotics in beer from one week to six months to a year.
However, whether probiotics can exert their health effects in alcoholic beverages has not been studied and explored before; There have also been no studies on the differences in metabolomic characteristics of probiotic fermented beer. Therefore, while industrializing probiotic beer, Professor Liu Shaoquan’s team also conducted further analysis and clinical trials on the health benefits of probiotic beer. Through evidence-based research, probiotic fermentation of beer can produce more active amino acid metabolites and polyphenol content, with higher antioxidant activity. The related achievements, entitled “Study of amino acids and bioactive metabolites in probiotic fermented hop-free beer using targeted and non-targeted metabolomics using high resolution liquid chromatography mass spectrometry”, were published as a cover paper in the internationally renowned food journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
In addition, a large amount of distiller’s grains will be produced as by-products during wine fermentation. Professor Liu Shaoquan’s team reprocesses distiller’s grains through enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, and other means, reusing food by-products, creating economic value, and achieving zero pollution and zero waste in the production process.
2、 Layout expansion from Singapore to Suzhou
To meet the preferences of different populations, Yibi Shengyan has issued a variety of probiotic alcohol drinks with different flavors that can be stored both in the cold chain and at room temperature, including probiotic raspberry sour beer, probiotic golden sour beer, probiotic Indian light beer, probiotic golden Al beer, and so on. Among them, probiotic raspberry sour beer won the annual probiotic product nomination award at Nutra Ingredients Asia Awards 2022. The launch of Yibisheng probiotic beer enables beer lovers to enjoy the refreshing taste of beer while maintaining health.
Today, as a technologically leading beverage R&D enterprise, EBS empowers large breweries and craft breweries around the world with technological advantages in flavor, nutrition, probiotics, and fermentation, including providing support in research, marketing, and technology implementation.
Relying on the BLOCK71 Suzhou international innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, EBS has approached Chinese and foreign brewing partners, hoping to provide technical support and create value for breweries and beverage factories through advanced technology and sustained innovation capabilities, while also bringing delicious and healthy food to more people.
Professor Liu Shaoquan said, “The rich technology transformation experience and excellent geographical location of BLOCK71 Suzhou at the Suzhou Research Institute of New China University attracted us to finally settle here. Through the comprehensive incubation service of BLOCK71 Suzhou, we have been exposed to many high-quality resources, which is very helpful for the development of the enterprise.”
BLOCK71 Suzhou is committed to promoting two-way communication between China and Singapore in science and technology and industry, focusing on the industrialization of high-tech in the research center of excellence of the research institute, accelerating the landing of high-tech start-ups strongly related to local industrial demand, building a bridge between the world’s top technology and industry, and promoting technological innovation and local economic development. Currently, BLOCK71 Suzhou has incubated more than 90 high-tech start-ups with a total financing of over 2.7 billion yuan, helping more than 30 enterprises apply for innovative talent titles at all levels.

By orchioo

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