Is “health preserving milk tea” an IQ tax?

At the beginning of the 2023 Spring Festival, the new tea drinks will continue to write “China-Chic Health Preserving Style”. In the advertisement, after drinking “ass hide glue milk tea”, urban white-collar workers become full of vitality Tang palace ladies through thousands of years, and stick eye-catching calligraphy characters on cups to attract young people’s attention.
Recently, “Naixue’s Tea” and the time-honored brand “Dong’e ass hide glue” launched a series of new health care products: ass hide glue milk tea, ass hide glue black sesame red date cake, peach blossom ji’e gelatin cake
From the promotion of Naixue, we can see that this time, two drinks, “Naixue Dong’e ass hide glue treasure tea” and “Naixue Dong’e ass hide glue milk tea”, were jointly launched, which is intended to “make up” for workers returning after the festival. Dong’e ass hide glue, tremella and red dates, Fuding old white tea, which can clear heat and dispel fire, as well as “Luohanguo 0 caramel sugar”, which is said to be initiated by Naixue, are used as a set of nourishing “combination fists”. Each punch hits the young people’s health pain points.
On the day of the launch of the new product, the relevant topics were hot on microblog, and so far, 210 million readers have been accumulated. The main product “ass hide glue treasure tea” once became the sales champion of single products in stores. A netizen punched a card and sighed: “Generation Z elderly people have opened a new idea of health care”.
Time-honored brands and new tea drinks, functional supplements and contemporary “happy water”, which seem to lack the intersection of two categories, collide with each other, but meet the consumption needs of many contemporary young people under the “punk health” mentality.
1、 Young people’s health care anxiety is resolved by new consumption
Although Jiang Xiaochen, a senior in Beijing, is after 00, he is already a “veteran of health care”. After entering the university, Xiaochen was busy with his homework during the day, and often stayed up late for entertainment and relaxation at night. Instant Huajiao desserts, black sesame pills, five-red beauty cake… In short, the health care products promoted by KOL were almost tasted by her.
Xiaochen told Value Planet that she had never consumed any single “tonic”, but was very interested in “health snacks” combined with milk tea, dessert and other forms.
The traditional tonic, which has always been considered irrelevant to taste and fashion, has been extended into the consumption scene of young people. What kind of psychological changes have taken place in consumers after the addition of ass hide glue and wolfberry, which are called two “happy water” together with Coke, to warm and nourish the health?
“I think it’s more fun to replace milk tea and desserts with ass hide glue milk tea and bird’s nest syrup. When you eat snacks, you also eat something good for your health, so you will feel less guilty psychologically and feel that you are paying attention to your health.”
Nowadays, the topic of health preservation has already broken through the circle of middle-aged and old people. Facing the pressure of school and work, young people are difficult to “quit” bad living habits such as staying up late, but promote “health preservation consumption” to become an essential expense.
According to the “Generation Z Nutrition Consumption Trend Report” released by xinhuanet last year, the scale of China’s health care market has exceeded trillion yuan, of which the proportion of young people aged 18-35 years in consumers is as high as 83.7%, and more than half of them spend more than 500 yuan in health care every month. Generation Z young people who “cherish their lives” pay special attention to health and become the main force of health care consumption.
On the issue of how to pay for health, the young people of Generation Z have their own “consumption temperament” and are not satisfied with the traditional functional nourishing methods based on drugs and health products.
According to the Observation on the Differences of Health Care Concepts between People in 2022 released by iResearch Consulting, in the minds of young people, the value of health care products depends not only on functional attributes, but also on more pleasant consumption experience. Products with topical and online popularity attributes are more popular.
Recently, Xiao Chen made a special trip to a health care dessert shop in Sanlitun. Stewed Bird’s Nest with Ancient French Fresh Food, Five Red Bird’s Nest Warm Soup, Nourishing Brown Sugar, Milk, Peach Gum Bird’s Nest Soup, Old Rock Sugar, Loquat, Citrus, and Pear Soup The efficacy promotion of these drinks for beauty and beauty, and the unknown novel taste are very attractive to her.
Under the “blessing” of expensive nourishing ingredients, the price of health drinks is far higher than that of ordinary ready-made milk tea. In the store where Xiaochen punched in, the minimum price of a cup of health preserving milk tea is about 30 yuan, and drinks with expensive ingredients such as bird’s nest can even sell for more than 100 yuan.
A clerk told Value Planet that despite the high price, the product never worried about sales. The bird’s nest soup with a price of more than 50 yuan has always been the star product in the store.
The consumption psychology of Generation Z endows health care with entertainment and socialization. When new tea becomes a fashionable lifestyle of young people, it also naturally becomes one of the main courses of “new Chinese health care”.
The popularity of health preserving milk tea is driven by multiple factors. On the one hand, the major brands of medium-high end health care milk tea are mostly located near shopping malls and office buildings, and with the delivery channel, the convenient properties meet the needs of “fast health care” in contemporary life; On the other hand, the health care milk tea brand is also catering to the health care habits of young people in an all-round way.
Zhima Health Team told Value Planet: “Young people are afraid of getting sick, but they don’t know what the problem is and what products can really work”. The major health care tea brands can be said to have hit the young people’s love of health care, but they are not so “aware of health care”.
According to the 2022 National Chinese Medicine Health Index Research Report, although the post-90s group is not old, the “disease proportion” is 38.6%, which is the highest among all age groups.
Lin Lin is a post-90s programmer who works in a large factory in Shanghai. Her daily high workload and irregular eating habits make her face health problems such as hair loss and weakened immunity. And she also fell into a “health anxiety”: whenever she saw sub-health symptoms on social platforms, she would always put herself in the right seat. But every time I prepare to take good care of my body, I feel “very complicated and troublesome” and lack patience and energy to study carefully.
When Lin Lin first saw health tea in the mall, he was moved. “We should drink milk tea anyway, so it’s better to drink something healthy”, which Lin Lin calls “health preserving by taking care of every opportunity”.
2、 “New Chinese” nourishing, milk tea is in the market
If the core strategy of the evolution of traditional milk tea into a new type of tea is the upgrading of raw materials and brand effect, then the new tea seems to have found a new direction after the “excessive involution” appears tired – aiming at young people who have health care needs, but lack in-depth understanding of the efficacy of the ingredients, and do not want to study the eating methods, and launch a new product focusing on “health tonic”.
In addition to ass hide glue, nourishing ingredients such as bird’s nest, ginseng, royal jelly, and black wolfberry have already crossed the border. From taste to small ingredients, they constantly “buff” milk tea and participate in the diet consumption of young people.
In fact, “nourishing health” has become the next new increment targeted by the new tea industry several years ago. In 2019, the popular “Lele Tea” and the bird’s nest brand “Yanzhiwu” jointly launched the “Ice Bird’s Nest Powder Peach Cheese” at a price of 49 yuan per cup. But at this time, Lele Tea has not yet smelled the wind of “China-Chic”. In its marketing, Lele Tea has taken the route of “modern luxury”, winning attention with its expensive prices and novelty hunting materials.
In the same year, the first store of “Chunfeng Health Preserving Tea”, which focuses on China-Chic, opened in Shanghai. Hu Kaiji, the founder, said that he has always been optimistic about the market space of health care consumption, while tea has become the way for brands to enter the market with the characteristics of “the most popular and young”.
At first, the names of Chunfeng drinks were named according to the raw materials, such as ginseng, pueraria root tea, mulberry, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle tea, etc., and the sales volume was poor. Then, a key brand strategy adjustment brought about a turnaround in sales – naming tea drinks according to their functions and drinking scenes, such as royal jelly overnight water, green juice skimming water, collagen three-treasure fresh milk tea. This more intuitive and effective way of naming quickly aroused the resonance of young people.
Similarly, the Shandong brand Hetian Shuipu also marked the words “aunt liberates happy water” and “don’t worry about cold weather” in the order widget.
On the other hand, the “tea too good”, which appears to be “small and transparent” in the inner roll of tea, is now also using high-end lines to enter the health care track. Its brand “cow tea”, known as “Hermes in the milk tea industry”, is located in high-end shopping malls such as Beijing SKP. Consumers can choose to add 20g, 40g or 100g of fresh stewed bird’s nest into different drinks such as osmanthus milk tea, poplar branch manna, duck excrement lemon tea, and the store staff will weigh it on the spot, and the price will vary from 40 to 150 yuan.
In addition to the new tea brands, the time-honored brands of traditional Chinese medicine are also actively trying to young, trying to capture the “Generation Z” crowd and take a share in the “tonic drink” race.
Among them, the most representative is Tongrentang, which has a history of more than 350 years. The trendy health care store “Zhima Health” launched by Tongrentang not only provides herbal drinks such as stay up water and health care water, but also innovative coffee drinks such as medlar latte and siraito, aiming to integrate the China-Chic style favored by young people on the basis of the quality and reputation of time-honored brands and build a more diversified consumption scene of Chinese medicine culture.
The health tea brand simplifies the “homework” and directly “delivers it to the door”, which is very effective for attacking the minds of young consumers.
Meituan takeout data showed that the nationwide search volume of “health preserving milk tea” increased by 118% on a weekly basis last autumn, with more than half of young users aged 20 to 30.
In addition, another reason for the popularity of health preserving milk tea is the impact of the epidemic at the end of last year. During the special period, some young people who are not usually interested in drinks also began to pay for health tea.
In order to alleviate the “bladed throat” and drive away the cold, brands such as Chabaidao, Coco Duke, and Shanghai Auntie have launched products such as ginger medlar black sugar milk tea, fresh stewed pear, etc.
The manager of Chunfeng Shanghai Sunmoon Store told Value Planet that this winter, the daily sales of Chunfeng’s classic drink “Xiaodiao Pear Soup” increased from 100 cups in the previous winter to 300 cups, accounting for 60% of the store’s sales and leaping to the single product champion; Chunfeng also adjusted the formula of a retail tea bag of “Luohanguo Houbao Tea” to make a freshly made tea drink. The store ran out of goods quickly.
Whether it is “fun to follow the trend” or “make a point of finding a solution”, it is psychological comfort or indeed has its effect. “Nourishing health” is becoming an important part of many young people’s consumption concept. When “health preservation” continues to be deconstructed and reshaped by new consumption, its combination with new tea also seems to be predictable. However, a cup of milk tea can pry, and there is a larger business blue ocean.
3、 Valuable supplements “sink” and a cup of milk tea paves the way
In recent years, although the health care needs of young people continue to emerge, due to the stereotype that traditional nourishing ingredients are “difficult to eat”, “complex to make” and “expensive”, this kind of food still has a “wall” with young consumers.
The 2022 “Double 11” health consumption trend report shows that middle-aged and elderly people are willing to buy products such as “Tiepi Fengdou Granule”, while young people are more likely to choose ready-to-eat probiotics, black sesame pills and other more widely recognized health foods.
The selection of traditional tonic and new tea can just get through this barrier.
In the new consumption era of “everything can be co-branded”, one of the most expected marketing effects of the brand is to expand new consumption scenarios through co-branding, and then reach consumers in different circles. The new tea of health care brand has inspired young people to recognize traditional health care supplements. By means of milk tea, snacks and other ways that young people are familiar with and love, “expensive supplements” have quietly completed their own consumer cultivation.
Aiming at this breakthrough point, the rejuvenation strategy of traditional nourishing brands began to start.
Beijing Tongrentang is changing from an “old shop selling traditional Chinese medicine” to a popular place for young people to punch cards.
The youth attempt represented by “Zhima Health” not only made Tongrentang popular, but also provided young people with a new Chinese lifestyle of health preservation. Among the health stores in Zhima, the area larger than the coffee drink area is the area selling small cans of cream, canned bird’s nest and other new tonic products.
In August last year, Zhima Health Beijing No. 0 Store opened in Daxing Base, driving leisure consultation with “eating, drinking, shopping and entertainment” functions such as coffee shop, tea shop and bakery, and closing the perception distance between young consumers and traditional Chinese medicine ingredients.
Zhima Health’s Beijing Smart Hero store staff shared with Value Planet: “Many times customers come to buy Luohanguo coffee for the first time, or stay up late for water. When there is a need for gifts and self use, they will think of us. We feel that health care is a” soft and hard need “, because there are so many repeat customers, and there are basically secondary consumption in addition to drinks.”
The financial report disclosed that after the revenue and net profit of Tongrentang declined in 2019, the attempt represented by its new retail “Zhima Health” and new tea “Tea Making Division” made Tongrentang “recapture” the revenue of 14.603 billion yuan in 2021, achieving an increase of 13.86% over the same period, and a year-on-year increase of 2.03% in the first three quarters of 2022.
In the past two years, Qingxintang, a time-honored brand of herbal tea in Guangzhou, and Tonghanchuntang, a time-honored brand of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai, have also tried water and healthy milk tea. A cup of health preserving milk tea “drains” a lot of nourishing ingredients for traditional Chinese medicine.
The achievements of Dong’e ass hide glue are also commendable as it achieves “upgrading and rejuvenation” through the rejuvenation strategy.
On January 31, Dong’e ass hide glue disclosed its performance report for 2022. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company will reach 760 million to 810 million yuan in 2022, up 73% to 84% year on year. In an interview with the media, Cheng Jie, president of Dong’e ass hide glue, said that the first ass hide glue that he hoped to make young people take was Dong’e ass hide glue.
Zhao Lu, a practitioner of traditional health care products, told Value Planet that during the co branding of Dong’e ass hide glue and Naixue’s tea, the number of customers in his shop asking about ass hide glue related products increased significantly, and young faces were the main ones.
Zhao Lu said: “High quality ass hide glue tastes soft and glutinous, and basically has no bitter taste. It is actually very suitable for matching with many scenes of life and diet. We would also recommend it with customers before, but it is generally middle-aged women who are more interested in it, and now more young people are asking.” During the period of co branding, Dong’e ass hide glue instant powder, nut ass hide glue cake, ass hide glue red date soft candy and other nutritious snacks in the flagship store also sold well.
On May 17, 2022, a health drink containing a whole ginseng in a glass bottle was put on the shelves of Rosen’s convenience store at 19.9 yuan, creating a miracle of 10000 bottles per day.
Soon, microblogs, small red books and other platform photos were flooded with comments of “replenishment”. Among the similar products, the search volume, transaction volume and daily average sales volume of “a whole piece of overnight water” ranked first.
Before the listing of “a whole piece of overnight water”, the health care and tonic enterprise “Hard Core Beauty Research Institute” behind it had made four young health care products in one year. Although the average daily sales volume of the main ready-to-eat bird’s nest single store is only 0.3 bottles, the post-90s entrepreneurial team still came out after seizing the path of “light health”.
A co-founder of “Hard Core Beauty Research Institute” shared that in their view, “light health” would be a popular life attitude in the future. The “tonic” ginseng used for medicine and wine is not in line with the consumption scene of contemporary young people, while the food grade ginseng with the characteristics of “medicine and food are homologous” less than 5 years old has a relatively blank domestic market at present. The promotion of ginseng through plant drinks is more in line with the dietary habit of young people to light burden and light supply.
Although the phenomenal popularity of “a whole piece of overnight water” is in parallel with the question of “poor drinking lightning protection”, “low cost and weak efficacy”, it is undeniable that the hard-core beauty research institute did find a fit point for people to participate in young consumption.
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By orchioo

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